Critical Thinking
nurseinthemakingkristine21 posts

When you perform an admission assessment, you’ll complete several different assessments for the patient, including evaluation for safety and other needs this patient may require during their stay. Answer the last question below! 🙂
#criticalthinking #nursingeducation #patientsafety #nursingnotes #nursingschool #newgradnurse #RN #BSN #admission #hospitaladmission #nursingassessment #nurseinthemaking #nursesofIG #nursesoftiktok #nursesofinstagram
15.4K views#criticalthinking #nursingeducation #patientsafety #nursingnotes #nursingschool #newgradnurse #RN #BSN #admission #hospitaladmission #nursingassessment #nurseinthemaking #nursesofIG #nursesoftiktok #nursesofinstagram

Aside from bloodwork, what test do you anticipate they may perform to gather more information? Let me know below! 🙂
#nurseinthemaking #nursingnotes #criticalthinking #medsurgnursing #bedsidenursing #SBAR #nursing #nursesofIG #nursesofinstagram #nursesoftiktok #nursingstudent #nursingschool #clinicaleducation #clinicalnotes #nursingclinicals
15.8K views#nurseinthemaking #nursingnotes #criticalthinking #medsurgnursing #bedsidenursing #SBAR #nursing #nursesofIG #nursesofinstagram #nursesoftiktok #nursingstudent #nursingschool #clinicaleducation #clinicalnotes #nursingclinicals

Comment *TWO* ways to prevent pressure injury & skin breakdown! Also comment the NAME of the clinical assessment tool we can use to predict a patient’s RISK of skin breakdown! ⬇️
#nursingschool #skinintegrity #pressureulcers #pressureinjury #nursinginterventions #nursingpractice #RN #registerednurse #nursingstudent #clinicalnotes #criticalthinking #nursingtips #nursingeducation #nurseinthemaking
19.5K views#nursingschool #skinintegrity #pressureulcers #pressureinjury #nursinginterventions #nursingpractice #RN #registerednurse #nursingstudent #clinicalnotes #criticalthinking #nursingtips #nursingeducation #nurseinthemaking

Replying to @___sarahs Did you get it correct?? #criticalthinking #nurseinthemaking #scrublife #nursingtiktok
248.5K views05

Comment your answer below! 🙂
#nurseshelpingnurses #nursingeducation #RN #BSN #nursingthoughts #criticalthinking #nursesatwork #RNlife #nursingschool #nursingstudents #nursingschool #nursingnotes #nurseinthemaking #pedsnursing #pediatriccare
8187 views#nurseshelpingnurses #nursingeducation #RN #BSN #nursingthoughts #criticalthinking #nursesatwork #RNlife #nursingschool #nursingstudents #nursingschool #nursingnotes #nurseinthemaking #pedsnursing #pediatriccare

Follow along for this critical thinking exercise and answer the question at the end! This is an important condition to be able to recognize and act upon! P.S. → the NCLEX & your nursing program exams LOVE this topic, so it’s definitely one to know. Comment your answer below 🙂
#RN #BSN #nursingschool #nursingnotes #scrublife #studentnurses #NCLEX
35.1K views#RN #BSN #nursingschool #nursingnotes #scrublife #studentnurses #NCLEX

Critical thinking exercise…contribute YOUR knowledge in the comments & save this one for later 🙂
#n #nursingschooln #nursingstudentc #criticalthinkingN #NCLEXs #studyhacksn #nursesofIGnursesoftiktok
15.2K views#n #nursingschooln #nursingstudentc #criticalthinkingN #NCLEXs #studyhacksn #nursesofIGnursesoftiktok

Critical Thinking Exercises help us walk through real-life situations verbally, while getting the wheels turning in our heads. What assessment tool/scale is utilized for assessment of level of consciousness? Let me know below 🙂
#nursingstudent #nursingschool #futurenurses #nursingeducation #nurseeducator #medsurgnursing #scrublife #RN #BSN #emergencynursing #NCLEXprep
14.2K views#nursingstudent #nursingschool #futurenurses #nursingeducation #nurseeducator #medsurgnursing #scrublife #RN #BSN #emergencynursing #NCLEXprep

Though this isn’t as much of a critical thinking exercise as much as it is a walk-through of COPD, I always felt that talking things out really helps our brains to understand them a bit differently than reading! Enjoy this overview & comment your answer to my question below! 🙂
#nursingstudent #nursingschool #nurse #RN #BSN #nursing #COPD #clinicalnotes #nursingnotes #nursesoftiktok #nursesofIG
15.6K views#nursingstudent #nursingschool #nurse #RN #BSN #nursing #COPD #clinicalnotes #nursingnotes #nursesoftiktok #nursesofIG

Critical Thinking & a KEY TOPIC on the NCLEX and in clinical practice! Type your answer in the comments below, future nurse & let’s get a discussion going!
#nursingschool #nurselife #scrublife #RNBSN #RN #ABSN #nursingnotes #criticalthinking #thinkoutsidethebox #clinicalnotes #nursingclinicals
18.4K views#nursingschool #nurselife #scrublife #RNBSN #RN #ABSN #nursingnotes #criticalthinking #thinkoutsidethebox #clinicalnotes #nursingclinicals

Maternity Critical Thinking
🍼Just working through common terms & conditions in our minds can help us understand them more clearly than simply reading them from a huge textbook. Do you know the answer to the final question? Comment below!
#criticalthinking #nursingnotes #nursingeducation #nursesnotes #studentnurse #nursingschool
14.3K views🍼Just working through common terms & conditions in our minds can help us understand them more clearly than simply reading them from a huge textbook. Do you know the answer to the final question? Comment below!
#criticalthinking #nursingnotes #nursingeducation #nursesnotes #studentnurse #nursingschool

When you’re faced with everyday issues like this, what would your next course of action be? Comment below 🙂
#nurseinthemaking #criticalthinking #nursing #nurse #BSN #RN #LPN #pharmacology #bedsidenursing #NCLEXprep #nursingworld #scrublife #nursesoftiktok #nursesofIG #nursesofinstagram #nursingpractice
7883 views#nurseinthemaking #criticalthinking #nursing #nurse #BSN #RN #LPN #pharmacology #bedsidenursing #NCLEXprep #nursingworld #scrublife #nursesoftiktok #nursesofIG #nursesofinstagram #nursingpractice

–Why do I post Critical Thinking Exercises?–
🧠I DON’T post them to claim that nurses diagnose…we don’t diagnose! BUT we do recognize, interpret, intervene, and decide when to notify providers. We are often the first people who recognize changes, so we should be able to recognize but also understand the changes and what they mean
🧠I DO post them to help your brain pick up on certain cues that you may very well face in clinical settings. You’re going to see all sorts of information – lab values, vital signs, assessment findings, notes, numbers, orders… it becomes a LOT. So picking up on changes and cues helps to train your brain to connect the information, and THEN it trains your brain to act on that information.
🧠Like with anything, the more we practice thinking critically, the more apt our brains will default to it. It takes time and exercise, but what better way to learn than with these fun little exercises?
Comment your answers below & let me know if and how these exercises have helped you 🙂
#criticalthinking #nursingschool #nursingstudent #RN #BSN #LPN #NCLEXprep #becominganurse #nurseinthemaking #nursinghacks #scrublife #nurse #nurselife #NCLEX #clinicalnotes
13.4K views🧠I DON’T post them to claim that nurses diagnose…we don’t diagnose! BUT we do recognize, interpret, intervene, and decide when to notify providers. We are often the first people who recognize changes, so we should be able to recognize but also understand the changes and what they mean
🧠I DO post them to help your brain pick up on certain cues that you may very well face in clinical settings. You’re going to see all sorts of information – lab values, vital signs, assessment findings, notes, numbers, orders… it becomes a LOT. So picking up on changes and cues helps to train your brain to connect the information, and THEN it trains your brain to act on that information.
🧠Like with anything, the more we practice thinking critically, the more apt our brains will default to it. It takes time and exercise, but what better way to learn than with these fun little exercises?
Comment your answers below & let me know if and how these exercises have helped you 🙂
#criticalthinking #nursingschool #nursingstudent #RN #BSN #LPN #NCLEXprep #becominganurse #nurseinthemaking #nursinghacks #scrublife #nurse #nurselife #NCLEX #clinicalnotes

Do you know the answer? Comment your response below! 👏
#BSN #RN #criticalthinking #pediatrics #nursingnotes #nursingeducation
11.5K views#BSN #RN #criticalthinking #pediatrics #nursingnotes #nursingeducation

Comment nursing interventions and priorities for this patient here 🙂
#postopnursing #postopcare #nursesofIG #nursesofinstagram #nursesoftiktok #newgradnurses #nursingstudents #nursingschool #nurseinthemaking #criticalthinkingfornurses #patienteducation #nursingeducation #nurses #RN #registerednurse #BSN
16.2K views#postopnursing #postopcare #nursesofIG #nursesofinstagram #nursesoftiktok #newgradnurses #nursingstudents #nursingschool #nurseinthemaking #criticalthinkingfornurses #patienteducation #nursingeducation #nurses #RN #registerednurse #BSN

Thoughts on this critical thinking exercise? Comment your two interventions and/or medications you might expect to see for this patient below!
#nursingschool #nursingstudent #criticalthinking #nursingnotes #clinicalnotes #RN #BSN
16.3K views#nursingschool #nursingstudent #criticalthinking #nursingnotes #clinicalnotes #RN #BSN

Do you know the answer? Comment below!
#criticalthinking #nursingschool #nursingstudent #maternitynursing #motherbabynursing #pregnancyawareness
16.2K views#criticalthinking #nursingschool #nursingstudent #maternitynursing #motherbabynursing #pregnancyawareness

Think it through & comment your answers 🙂You never know when a correct answer might just be chosen as a winner of something exciting!
#nurseinthemaking #criticalthinkingskills #medicationeducation #pharmacology #dischargeteaching #nursingskills #nursingeducation #becominganurse #nursingstudents #newgradnurse #nurseshelpingnurses #RN #BSN #LPN #patienteducation
11.4K views#nurseinthemaking #criticalthinkingskills #medicationeducation #pharmacology #dischargeteaching #nursingskills #nursingeducation #becominganurse #nursingstudents #newgradnurse #nurseshelpingnurses #RN #BSN #LPN #patienteducation

Critical thinking exercise to help our brains train for clinical practice! Did you know the answers to these questions? Comment your answer to the final question below.
#nursing #nursingschool #nursingstudent #nurseinthemaking #motherbabynurse #motherbaby #maternitynurse #obnursing #massagethefundus #criticalthinking #nclex #nclexprep
24.1K views#nursing #nursingschool #nursingstudent #nurseinthemaking #motherbabynurse #motherbaby #maternitynurse #obnursing #massagethefundus #criticalthinking #nclex #nclexprep

This one is a blend of critical thinking & knowing the BASICS! Do you know the answer to the question at the end? Comment below!
#nursingstudent #nursingschool #criticalthinking #scrublife #RN #BSN
32.1K views#nursingstudent #nursingschool #criticalthinking #scrublife #RN #BSN